- Condition 6 – Construction Management Plan as shown in 'Construction Management Plan' received 27 September 2016
A further application, ref. No. 14/04810/CONDIT, has been made with details of conditions submitted in relation to planning permission on the application, ref. No. 14/04810/OUT, which was allowed on appeal:
- Condition 5 - Arboricultural Method Statement
- Condition 6 - Construction Management Plan
- Condition 7 - Energy Assessment
- Condition 8 - Drainage Works
- Condition 9 - Balcony Screening
- Condition 10 - Obscure Glazing
- Condition 11 - Existing Access Stop-Up
- Condition 12 - Refuse and Recycling Storage
- Condition 15 - Bicycle Storage
- Condition 16 - External Lighting
The appeal has been allowed. Planning permission has been granted for the demolition of the existing building comprising two apartments known as 4 and 4a Oaklands Road and the erection of a new three-and-a-half storey building comprising seven one-bedroom apartments and four two-bedroom apartments with eleven off-road parking spaces in accordance with the terms of the application reference 14/04810, dated 4 October 2014, subject to the conditions set out in the schedule attached to the decision.
Update – 24 November 2015
Details of the appeal against the decision refusing the planning application, reference 14/04810, for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of a 4 storey detached building comprising 11 flats with landscaping and parking at 4 Oaklands Road, Bromley BR1 3SL, are now available here. Anyone making further comments has to do so by 14 December 2015. Interestingly, the appeal will be dealt with by way of an informal hearing which will take place in Bromley Council offices at a time and date to be confirmed in due course.
The following documents are also available:
- Appeal Form
- Appellant's Statement [missing a page of conclusions]
- Appellant's Draft Statement of Common Ground
Update – 11 November 2015
The decision refusing the planning application, reference 14/04810, for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of a 4 storey detached building comprising 11 flats with landscaping and parking at 4 Oaklands Road, Bromley BR1 3SL, has been appealed. Once residents are advised of the appeal that is relevant to them, there will be a period of around six weeks when further representations can be made to the Planning Inspector. After that, a wait of several months to hear the outcome of the appeal.
For now, the following document is available:
Update – 2 September 2015
Following our objection to the application, reference 14/04810, for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of a 4 storey detached building comprising 11 flats with landscaping and parking at 4 Oaklands Road, Bromley BR1 3SL, the application has been refused for the following rather unusual reasons:
- The proposal would give rise to a requirement for affordable housing and a financial contribution towards health and education provision. Inadequate evidence has been submitted to demonstrate that the development cannot support affordable housing provision and a sufficient healthcare and education infrastructure contribution. As such the proposal fails to mitigate the impact of the development contrary to Policies H2 and IMP1 of the Unitary Development Plan and Policy 8.2 of the London Plan.
- Insufficient information has been submitted in respect of energy and how the development will seek to minimise carbon emissions in accordance with the energy hierarchy in policy 5.2 of the London Plan and there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that the development can feasibly achieve the required carbon dioxide reductions, contrary to Chapter 5 of the London Plan.
.The following documents are available:
Update – 14 February 2015
We have objected to the application for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of a 4 storey detached building comprising 11 flats with landscaping and parking at 4 Oaklands Road, Bromley BR1 3SL. See the redacted objection.
4 Oaklands Road – urgent action needed – 29 January 2015
We have just been advised of a new planning application to demolish the rather attractive 4 Oaklands Road and replace it with a block of flats. We have uploaded the relevant documents to this website but they are also obtainable from Bromley’s website under reference 14/04810. Should you wish to comment on this, your comments should reach the Council by 17 February. Please copy us at planning.rvps@outlook.com. You may also wish to look at our guide to planning which can be found here.
We are currently considering our response to this, and this website will be updated shortly.
If you have not already joined us please considered doing so here.
The relevant documents are as follows: