Update – 25 April 2019
The  planning application, ref. No. 17/00812/CONDT1, with details of conditions submitted in relation to planning permission ref. 17/00812/FULL1 – Condition 5: Parking and turning spaces – at 24 Downs Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HB, has been approved.

The delegation report dated 16 April 2019 and decision dated 25 April 2019 are now available.

Update – 4 April 2019
A further planning application, ref. No. 17/00812/CONDT1, has been made with details of conditions submitted in relation to planning permission ref. 17/00812/FULL1 – Condition 5: Parking and turning spaces – at 24 Downs Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HB.

The standard consultation expiry date is Wednesday 24 April 2019.

Update – 8 March 2018
A decision has been issued on the application, ref. No. 17/00812/CONDIT, with details of conditions in relation to Nicola and William Bloomer’s planning application 17/00812/FULL1 for the demolition of the host dwelling and erection of a new detached house at 24 Downs Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HB, which was allowed on appeal. The delegation report dated 5 March 2018 and decision dated 8 March 2018 are now available.

The conditions are as follows:
  • Condition 3 – Materials for external surfaces
  • Condition 4 – Windows and rooflights
  • Condition 6 – Windows and doors in flank elevations
  • Condition 8 – Construction method statement
Recommendations were respectively as follows:
  • The proposed materials for the external surfaces of the building are considered acceptable to discharge condition 3.
  • The details are acceptable to discharge condition 4.
  • This is an on-going/enduring condition which cannot be discharged. The applicant has confirmed no objection to the condition not being discharged.
  • The details are acceptable to discharge condition 8.
Thus the following conditions have been approved:
  • Condition 3 – Materials for external surfaces
  • Condition 4 – Windows and rooflights
  • Condition 8 – Construction method statement
Update – 3 March 2018
The further application, ref. No. 18/00150/RECONin relation to Nicola and William Bloomer’s planning application 17/00812/FULL1 for the demolition of the host dwelling and erection of a new detached house at 24 Downs Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HB, which was allowed on appeal, has been approved.

It is considered that the proposed amendments would not have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the conservation area or the visual amenities of the area. The amendments to the terrace accesses and fenestration would not result in an unacceptable impact on the residential amenities of neighbouring residents.

Update – 26 January 2018
A further application, ref. No. 18/00150/RECON, has been made in relation to Nicola and William Bloomer’s planning application 17/00812/FULL1 for the demolition of the host dwelling and erection of a new detached house at 24 Downs Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HB, which was allowed on appeal. The application is for the variation of condition 2 to replace drawing No. 2718 rev. 4 with drawing No. 2718 rev. 6.

As worded on the Bromley planning file, this relates to the following –
  • to amend the window dimensions,
  • the position of the steps down to the rear garden from the terrace,
  • the deletion of balustrade to terrace,
  • amendments to the side accesses, and
  • provision of slatted fencing between the flank elevations of the dwelling and the side boundaries of the site.
This follows what the applicants call “pre-application advice” saying that a Section 73 application will be required rather than the non-material amendment application submitted. They add, helpfully:

For the windows and doors to be of the highest insulation value and not have horizontal mullions, the dimensions need to be changed. By moving steps to the sides and placing stepped planting beds in front of the [sic] it will be possible to omit the installation of balustrades. The installation [sic] slatted fences at the sides of the house will provide privacy and security.

The standard consultation expiry date is Tuesday 13 February 2018.

Update – 11 January 2018
The application for a non-material amendment, ref. No. 17/00812/AMD, to Nicola and William Bloomer’s planning application 17/00812/FULL1 for the demolition of the host dwelling and erection of a new detached house at 24 Downs Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HB has been refused.

It is considered that the amendments, in particular to the stepped access to the side/rear garden, would constitute a material change to the development originally approved, as would the alteration to the fenestration to the front of the dwelling, which would be appreciable from the conservation area and for which consultation would be appropriate.

It is therefore considered that the alterations indicated would not be acceptable as a non-material amendment to the original permission. There is no judgement within this determination on the planning merits of the proposed amendments, and the determination that a fresh application would be required does not indicate that individual elements are unacceptable – it is an assessment of whether planning permission would be required rather than on the acceptability of the proposals.

There is no right of appeal against this decision. If they wish to pursue these amendments, they will need to submit a new planning application for the whole development.

Update – 3 January 2018
Details of conditions have been submitted, ref. No. 17/00812/CONDIT, in relation to Nicola and William Bloomer’s planning application 17/00812/FULL1 for the demolition of the host dwelling and erection of a new detached house at 24 Downs Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HB, which was allowed on appeal:
  • Condition 3 – Materials for external surfaces
  • Condition 4 – Windows and rooflights
  • Condition 6 – Windows and doors in flank elevations
  • Condition 8 – Construction method statement
The following documents are available:
  • Appeal Decision
  • Application form – without personal data
  • Condition 3 – Aval silicone hybrid render
  • Condition 3 – Edgemere interlocking slates
  • Condition 3 – Solar roof tiles
  • Condition 4 – Aluminium KL70W window, externally opening, vertical section detail showing recommended fitting tolerances
  • Condition 4 – Aluminium single & French door, internally opening, vertical section detail showing recommended fitting tolerances
  • Condition 4 – Funky front, internally opening, vertical section detail showing recommended fitting tolerances
  • Condition 4 – Kustomfold aluminium folding door, externally opening, with standard track, vertical section detail showing recommended fitting tolerances
  • Condition 4 – Product information
  • Condition 4 – Quotation KLO62773
  • Condition 6 – Construction drawings – fenestration
  • Condition 6 – Velux line of sight diagram
  • Condition 8 – Appendix 12
  • Condition 8 – Method statement and risk assessments
The method statement and risk assessments prepared by J. McDaid Groundworks Ltd set out well what is involved. The standard consultation expiry date is Wednesday 24 January 2018.

Update – 26 December 2017
An application for a non-material amendment, ref. No. 17/00812/AMD, has been made to Nicola and William Bloomer’s planning application 17/00812/FULL1 for the demolition of the host dwelling and erection of a new detached house at 24 Downs Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HB, which was allowed on appeal.

The amendment is –
  • to change the rear glass doors from sliding to folding opening and to make small alterations to the dimensions of windows on all elevations;
  • to omit balustrades on the rear terrace;
  • to change the steps from the terrace to the garden from one wide flight in the centre to two more narrow flights with one at each side; and
  • to erect two-metre tall slatted timber fences between the side walls of the house and the side boundary.
The danger of a person being injured by falling will be overcome by placing planted beds dropping the levels down from the terrace incrementally. See the non-material amendment statement.

Update – 29 November 2017
The attached have been added to the London Borough of Bromley file of Nicola and William Bloomer’s appeal against the refusal of planning application 17/00812/FULL1:

Despatch Cover Letter – Costs – Helen Jordaney – 23 November 2017

The appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted for the demolition of the host dwelling and erection of a new detached house at 24 Downs Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HB, subject to the conditions set out in the schedule to the decision.

Update – 22 August 2017
Details of the appeal against the refused application, ref. No. 17/00812/FULL1, for the demolition of the host dwelling and erection of a new detached house at 24 Downs Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HB now exist at the Planning Inspectorate. Interested party comments are due by 21 September 2017.

Update – 24 July 2017
The decision refusing the revised application, ref. No. 17/00812/FULL1for the demolition of the host dwelling and erection of a new detached house at 24 Downs Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HB has been appealed. The following are available from the file:
Mr and Mrs Bloomer wish to appeal the decision to refuse planning permission on the following grounds:
  • The only reason given for refusal, “by reason of its excessive massing and design would constitute an overbearing and dominant form of development, failing to either preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area and would be detrimental to the amenities that neighbouring properties could reasonably expect to be able to continue to enjoy” is not explained in any detail by the refusal notice and neither was it explained or properly discussed by the committee.

  • It is the Appellants’ contention that, through the evolution of the earlier parts of the planning process the design, massing and appearance of the proposed new home, were objectively and satisfactorily resolved with the professional planning officers of the Council. This, together with the detailed report of the planning officers, its reference to the policies of the Council and the London Plan, the relevant SPD [Supplementary Planning Document] for the DHCA [Downs Hill Conservation Area] and other recently permitted developments in the immediate vicinity of the site all point to a logical acceptance of the application. Details are set out in the full Statement of Case.
Update – 15 June 2017
The revised application, ref. No. 17/00812/FULL1for the partial demolition of the host dwelling and erection of a new detached house at 24 Downs Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HB has been refused.

The proposed development by reason of its excessive massing and design would constitute an overbearing and dominant form of development, failing to either preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area and would be detrimental to the amenities that neighbouring properties could reasonably expect to be able to continue to enjoy contrary to Policies BE1 and BE11 of the Unitary Development Plan, adopted SPG1 and SPG2, Policies 3.5, 7.4 and 7.8 of the London Plan, the London Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance and the National Planning Policy Framework.

The decision is available.

Update – 5 June 2017
The application, ref. No. 17/00812/FULL1for the partial demolition of the host dwelling and erection of a new detached house at 24 Downs Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HB, will be considered by Bromley Council's Plans Sub-Committee No. 1 on Tuesday 13 June 2017 (not on a traditional Thursday) at 7 p.m. The recommendation is for permission to be given, but the planning committee is often quite willing to ignore the advice, so don’t give up hope! We would strongly recommend that anyone affected should register to speak in objection asap, and also enlist a ward councillor to speak at the meeting.

See the discussion document dated 3 June 2017.

Update – 28 April 2017

The application, ref. No. 17/00812/FULL1for the partial demolition of the host dwelling and erection of a new detached house at 24 Downs Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HB, appears to have been substantially revised. See the Design & Access Statement revised 7 April 2017 and Heritage Statement dated 4 April 2017.

The revised proposal is no longer based on the existing foundations, and is no longer a partial demolition but a complete demolition. As a result the applicants believe they are able to respond better to the request made in the pre-application response letter, and have now drawn the redesigned building in still further at the sides and reduced the overall width compared with the existing building.

A schedule of revised application documents is available from the Bromley planning site. The following documents are new:
  • Existing house drawing 2717 revision 1 – showing the existing building on site
  • Proposed redevelopment drawing 2718 revision 4 – showing the revised proposal
  • Context elevation drawing 2719 revision 1 – showing the revised proposal in relation to its neighbours
  • Outline overlay drawing 2720 revision 1 – showing the revised proposal in relation to the existing building
  • Block plan proposed revision 4
  • Summer daylight study
  • Revised Design and Access Statement v1
  • Revised Heritage Statement
  • Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) form revision 1
  • Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) exemption form revision 1
The following documents are retained:
  • Tree survey drawing 2721-0
  • OS map
  • Written pre-application response
  • Application form
The neighbour consultation expiry date is Friday 5 May 2017.

24 Downs Hill, Beckenham – 23 March 2017

Rear view of the existing house

An application, ref. No. 17/00812/FULL1, has been made for the partial demolition of the host dwelling and erection of a new detached house at 24 Downs Hill, Beckenham BR3 5HB.

As can be seen in the Design & Access Statement, William and Nicola Bloomer bought the property in late autumn 2016 with the express intention of remodelling it as a permanent home for their own young family. The proposed design, they believe, will be an improvement to the current bland appearance of the existing house which, or so it has been said, fails to make any significant contribution to the conservation area.

The proposed remodelled house will be built reusing much of the existing property. In order to reconstruct the building, it will be necessary to demolish the garage on the south side of the existing building, the storage area on the north side, the bay to the rear, the roof and chimneys, and most of the internal walls. The first-floor deck will also be removed. The external walls and foundations are to be retained and incorporated into the new building.

Proposed redevelopment seen from the rear

Pre-application advice was sought, though the original proposal is not publicly available. However, the pre-application response letter says:

In my informal opinion an application along these lines would be unlikely to be acceptable and it is likely that planning permission would be refused.

Without prejudice I am concerned that the proposal would constitute an overdevelopment of the site, with limited side space in context with the height and design of the proposed replacement dwelling. I am also concerned that the proposal would have inadequate regard to the prevailing character, scale, materials and form of development in the conservation area, and would dominate rather than complement the street scene. The impact of the proposal on the residential amenities of neighbouring dwellings would be carefully considered in the determination of a formal application. The Council would have regard to the existing development on the site and the relationship between the proposed development and neighbouring properties, including the terrace and basement, taking into account daylight, sunlight, privacy and outlook.

The following documents are available from the Bromley planning site:
  • Acknowledgement Letter
  • Proposed Block Plan 
  • How the Fee was Calculated
  • Design & Access Statement
  • Proposed Drawings
  • The Location Plan
  • Tree Survey
  • Application Form – without personal data
  • Copy of Pre-App Response Letter
  • Proposed Drawings
  • Elevations
  • Existing Drawings & Demolitions
  • A Summary of the Attachments in the Proposal
  • Location Plan
The standard consultation expiry date is Wednesday 12 April 2017.