Update - 1 November 2017
The delegation report and decision are available on the application, ref. No. 17/02763/FULL1, for a single-storey rear extension and first floor extension, and subdivision of the property to form two 3-bedroom houses with associated landscaping, parking and refuse, at 1 Ullswater Close, Bromley BR1 4JF.

Nearby owners/occupiers were notified of the application, and representations were received which have been summarised as follows:
  • Over-development of a single residential property and out of character with the Wimpey designed estate of Ullswater Close and Coniston Road which have provided comfortable and adequate living conditions for countless families since they were constructed in 1970's.
  • Over the years there has been a trend to convert the integral garage into extra living space and while this is understandable it does compromise the frontal appearance of relevant houses.
  • No 1 Ullswater Close has long been a cuckoo in the nest with its particular modifications. And now the owner wants to increase living space still further. What is wrong with simply selling up and moving to a bigger house? Instead the intention is to jeopardise the locality with a grossly over developed site.
  • Another negative trend recently has been the wilfull [sic] ending of the original open plan aspect of the estate with the erection of tall fences (e.g. 2 Ullswater Close).
  • Clearly the current application will give rise to more adults and more vehicles being parked in already crowded streets.
  • The extension will further increase congestion in the close bringing with it the associated issues of congestion in the close. 2 new builds (houses) have been built in the past 6 years alone!
  • Concern that the proposed development will be infringing on my right to peacefully enjoy my garden without have my view obstructed by a protrusion of a building who's inhabitants will be looking straight into my garden.
  • It will be unsightly and will distort the original aesthetics of the building and row of terraces.
  • It would break the present harmonious appearance as the development would be out of line with all the other houses, thus creating a discordant aspect to the whole estate.
  • Will introduce noise and disruptions to the close for a considerable number of months.
  • Concern over increase in parking in the road.
  • Concern over loss of light from the proposed extension to neighbouring property given the length of the existing garden, the proposed extension will cover 1/3 and together with the orientation the extension will block light to the patio area.
  • The garden of the neighbouring property slopes down after the patio and as such the new extension would impact on the garden.
  • Young fruit trees could also be adversely affected by the protrusion of the proposed development. While there are small trees and shrubbery on our neighbours' side of the dividing fence, sunlight still reaches my small garden to a much greater extent than would be the case if there was a solid brick wall in their place.
However, it is considered that the proposal would not have a detrimental impact on the character of the area and street scene generally. The creation of a new corner plot would conform to the general built pattern of development in the area and would not have a detrimental impact upon the established layout pattern and locally distinctive character and appearance of dwellings in the immediate vicinity in compliance with the objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework (2012), 3.4, 3.5 and 7.6 of the London Plan (2015) and Policies BE1, H1, H7 and H9 of the UDP (2006). Thus the application has been permitted.

1 Ullswater Close, Bromley - 23 July 2017

An application, ref. No. 17/02763/FULL1, has been made for a single-storey rear extension and first floor extension, and subdivision of the property to form two 3-bedroom houses with associated landscaping, parking and refuse, at 1 Ullswater Close, Bromley BR1 4JF. Available are:

The development proposed is to create a new three-bedroom property by way of refurbishment of the original property, returning it to the size of neighbouring property, to split the main house from the existing extension and construct and additional floor over the extension and extend to the rear in both.

Issues under consideration with this development include:

  • the character and appearance of the building against existing accommodation,
  • parking provision,
  • living conditions of the occupiers and of adjacent residential properties, and
  • outdoor amenity space and outlook.

The standard consultation expiry date is Wednesday 2 August 2017.