Madeira Avenue and Highland Road proposal for double yellow lines – 2 January 2018

Bromley Council have advised that they are proposing to introduce double yellow lines at the junction of Madeira Avenue and Highland Road, owing to parked vehicles obstructing sight lines. Please see their letter dated 15 December 2017 and the attached plan.

The Council say they aim to limit the locations at which double and single yellow lines are laid down to those in which road safety can be enhanced. This scheme aims to improve access and egress, prevent obstruction and improve sight lines.

If residents or road users have any comments, would they please put them in writing to Sarah Rogers by 17 January 2018?

White bar access marking - 8 May 2015

If you have a dropped kerb and others are parking in front of it, Bromley Council may be able to assist you by painting a white bar access marking on the highway. You can make a request for these markings to be installed. However, Bromley Council accepts no responsibility for enforcement or any consequence that may arise from the lines. If the access or driveway is shared with a neighbour, it will be necessary to obtain their agreement to having a white bar marking.

The fee for an application is £50.00. Each application takes about 4 weeks for the site to be visited and work to be agreed. 

According to their website, if you feel the criteria has [sicbeen met please complete the white bar marking request form. More information is available on:
Lewisham Council can also provide a white crossover bar marking, a white line which runs across your driveway parallel to the kerb line. This emphasises that there is a driveway there and discourages obstructive parking.

Update - 9 March 2014
The consultation on the possible extension of the Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) into the northern part of Madeira Avenue and Oaklands Road (and other roads) has been completed, and we have been advised by Cllr Dykes that the results are conclusive: the CPZ will not be extended.

Controlled Parking Zone consultation - 11 December 2013
Following complaints about parking from a number of residents, Bromley Council has decided to undertake a consultation to determine residents' views on parking and particularly whether the existing Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) should be extended. The map shows the area in which residents are being asked for their opinion. Clearly, there is a possibility, and at this stage only a possibility, that the CPZ may be extended into Bromley Avenue, the rest of Madeira Avenue, Oaklands Road and Spencer Road.

We would urge residents who have been asked for their opinion to provide it to the council as soon as possible - if you do not make your views known, you may end up with something you don't want! We would be happy to hear your views as well - please e-mail us at