Update - 27 October 2021

A planning application, ref. No. 21/04517/FULL1, has been made for the construction of a two storey building with accommodation within the roofspace at the rear of Oaklands Court to provide 4 residential flats with associated car parking, hard landscaping, cycle and refuse storage and including re-configuration of the car parking layout associated with Oaklands Court at Oaklands Court, 6 Oaklands Road, Bromley BR1 3SW.
The design and access statement mentions that the site has an extant planning permission for 2 × 3-bed dwellings, granted in July 2020 (planning reference: 20/01307/ FULL1). The scheme is described as follows:
Construction of 2 three bedroom two storey dwellings with accommodation in roofspace, cycle parking, refuse storage and landscaping, including re-configuration of car parking layout associated with Oaklands Court
The proposal includes the retention of the mature trees in the north-west corner of the site. This defined the positioning of the new houses, located away from the “crown and root balls”.
The standard consultation expiry date is Tuesday 16 November 2021.
Update - 19 July 2020
The new planning application, ref. No. 20/01307/FULL1, for the construction of 2 three-bedroom two-storey dwellings with accommodation in roofspace, cycle parking, refuse storage and landscaping, including re-configuration of car parking layout associated with Oaklands Court, at Oaklands Court, 6 Oaklands Road, Bromley BR1 3SW, has been permitted. The delegation report and decision are available.
Nearby owners/occupiers were notified of the application and representations were received, which can be summarised as follows:
- Impact on TPO trees - less space and water for them
- Loss of trees
- Concern regarding access by emergency vehicles and refuse collection lorries
- Reduction in parking space deemed necessary when Oaklands Court was constructed. Existing residents have had inadequate parking since the rear car park was fenced off and as a result have avoided car ownership or pared on Oaklands Road
- Validity of the parking survey questioned
- Lack of on-street parking in Oaklands Road
- Loss of privacy and outlook
- Loss of amenity space
- Cramped backland development
- Local area already saturated with development
- Impact on wildlife
- Would not be justified by housing need
- Impact on property values and loss of light could impact on an easement
- No information on connection to existing sewer and drainage system. Oaklands Road sewer drainage is vulnerable
- Materials uncharacteristic
- Houses would not blend into the area
Ravensbourne Valley Residents said:
- The development proposal does not adequately take into account the existing trees on the site which are protected by Tree Preservation Orders and provide a high visual amenity contrary to Bromley Local Plan Policy 73.
- The proposal would reduce the existing capacity for on-site car parking while increasing the parking needs of the site as a whole and would give rise to an undesirable increase in on-street parking in nearby roads contrary to Bromley Local Plan Policies 9 and 30.
- It is considered that the size and siting of the dwellings are an over intensive development on the site and would appear out of keeping and character with its neighbouring properties and thereby detrimental to the visual amenities of the area contrary to Bromley Local Plan Policies 4 and 37
However, the conclusion was:
It is considered that the proposal would not have a significant impact on the residential and visual amenities of the area. The unit type and siting of the dwellings would on balance be acceptable and would not be uncharacteristic of residential development in the locality in terms of scale. The proposal would not have a significant impact on the local road network or local parking conditions. The proposal takes into account the siting of trees which it desirable to retain and protect, and subject to conditions would be capable of being implemented without impacting upon the health and long term retention of those trees.Taking into account the above it is not considered that significant adverse impacts would arise from the development that would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of the scheme when assessed against the policies in the NPPF as a whole. Accordingly it is recommended that planning permission be granted.Background papers referred to during production of this report comprise all correspondence on the files set out in the Planning History section above, excluding exempt information.
Update - 10 June 2020
The new planning application, ref. No. 20/01307/FULL1, for the construction of 2 three-bedroom two-storey dwellings with accommodation in roofspace, cycle parking, refuse storage and landscaping, including re-configuration of car parking layout associated with Oaklands Court, at Oaklands Court, 6 Oaklands Road, Bromley BR1 3SW, is pending consideration. Revised plans were received on 3 June 2020 amending windows to the rear and providing windows to the side.
The neighbour consultation expiry date is Friday 19 June 2020.
Update - 10 May 2020

A new planning application, ref. No. 20/01307/FULL1, has been made for the construction of 2 three-bedroom two-storey dwellings with accommodation in roofspace, cycle parking, refuse storage and landscaping, including re-configuration of car parking layout associated with Oaklands Court, at Oaklands Court, 6 Oaklands Road, Bromley BR1 3SW.
See the design and access statement.
The standard consultation expiry date is Thursday 28 May 2020.
Update - 7 February 2018
The application, ref. No. 17/05229/FULL1, for the construction of 3 two bedroom dwellings (1 pair of semi-detached houses and 1 detached dwelling) with 5 associated car parking spaces, cycle parking, refuse storage and landscaping, including rearrangement of then existing car parking layout at Oaklands Court, 6 Oaklands Road, Bromley BR1 3SW has been refused for the following reasons:
- The proposal would result in the loss of a number of trees which are protected by a Tree Preservation Order and which contribute to the visual amenities of the area and the proposed layout and extent of the dwellings in relation to the proportions of the site, in conjunction with the loss of existing amenity space, would provide inadequate space to secure a satisfactory setting of for the development.
- The proposals would reduce the existing capacity for on-site car parking while increasing the parking needs of the site as a whole and in the absence of information to regarding the loss of parking spaces, the adequacy of manoeuvring space and access by larger vehicles through the undercroft, the proposal would be inadequate to meet the needs of the existing and proposed development and give rise to an undesirable increase in on-street parking in nearby roads as well as a development which would be poorly serviced.
- The proposal by reason of the size of the dwellings in relation to the individual plots and the existing/proposed boundaries of the site and the proportion of the site covered by buildings and hard surfaces would be out of character with and would fail to complement the pattern of development in the locality, thereby detrimental to the visual amenities of the area.
Update - 14 December 2017

Proposed south facing elevation

Proposed south facing elevation
A new application, ref. No. 17/05229/FULL1, has been made for the construction of 3 two-bedroom dwellings (1 pair of semi-detached houses and 1 detached dwelling) with 5 associated car parking spaces, cycle parking, refuse storage and landscaping, including rearrangement of then existing car parking layout, at Oaklands Court, 6 Oaklands Road, Bromley BR1 3SW. The following are available:
- Acknowledgement Letter
- Contextual elevations
- Ground floor plan
- Arboricultural survey
- Contextual elevations
- Detailed elevations and sections
- Design & access statement
- First floor plan
- Roof plan
- The location plan
- Arboricultural method statement
- Arboricultural impact statement
- Application form
- Contextual elevations and sections
The design and access statement makes interesting reading. The standard consultation expiry date is Wednesday 3 January 2018.
Update - 6 March 2017
The application, ref. No. 16/05397/FULL1, for the erection of 3 two-bedroom dwellings with undercroft parking on land at the rear of Oaklands Court, 6 Oaklands Road, Bromley BR1 3SW has been withdrawn.
The application, ref. No. 16/05397/FULL1, for the erection of 3 two-bedroom dwellings with undercroft parking on land at the rear of Oaklands Court, 6 Oaklands Road, Bromley BR1 3SW has been withdrawn.
Update - 5 December 2016

Proposed south facing elevation
A new application, ref. No. 16/05397/FULL1, has been made for the erection of 3 two-bedroom dwellings with undercroft parking on land at the rear of Oaklands Court, 6 Oaklands Road, Bromley BR1 3SW. The following are available:

Proposed south facing elevation
- Ground floor plan
- Roof plan
- Elevations and sections
- Artist's impression
- Elevations
- First floor plan
- CIL questions
- Existing sections
- Proposed elevations
- Transport assessment
- Cover letter
- Design & access statement
- Topographical survey
- Existing site location plan
- Tree survey
- A summary of the attachments in the proposal
- How the fee was calculated
- Application form – without personal data
We understand that the Council is currently investigating whether the locking of the new gates, putting out of action 22 car parking places, is a breach of planning condition. Further news when we get it.
Oaklands Court, 6 Oaklands Road - 14 June 2014
This is the big block of flats opposite the junction with Grasmere Road. In the last week, a fence has been built across the car park in the rear garden of this property. We have heard rumours, which we cannot substantiate, but the building of this fence would be consistent with a plan to build on the rear-most portion of the car park.
This is the big block of flats opposite the junction with Grasmere Road. In the last week, a fence has been built across the car park in the rear garden of this property. We have heard rumours, which we cannot substantiate, but the building of this fence would be consistent with a plan to build on the rear-most portion of the car park.
Oaklands Court, 6 Oaklands Road
The new gates which if shut would remove access to 22 parking spaces
We will provide further information when available. In the meantime please indicate your interest by contacting us and we will e-mail any update to you.

The approximate boundary of the site (red) and the position of the fence (yellow). Anything to the right of the yellow line might be at risk of development.