Update – 24 November 2017
The outcome of the hearing on the licensing application by Shortlands Golf Club at Meadow Road, Bromley BR2 0DX, ref. No. 17/00634/LAPRE, to increase their hours of operation is available.

Cllr Rutherford put forward representations on behalf of residents. In particular he emphasised that the premises are located in a predominately residential area and raised concerns about the noise levels emanating from the premises and the need for adequate soundproofing. He stated that residents have been unable to sleep at times and/or open their windows. 

Some local residents were also present at the hearing. Some were concerned about the quality of the application and wanted clarification in relation to timings and noise; others also wanted to work with the applicant to achieve a common ground.

The licensing sub-committee panel decided to grant the application amended as follows:                
  • Sale or supply of alcohol on Monday to Thursday – 10.00 to 23:00
  • Sale or supply of alcohol on Friday and Saturday – 10.00 to 24:00
  • Sale or supply of alcohol on Sunday – 10:00 to 22.30
subject to the following conditions:
  • All doors and windows shall be kept shut during regulated entertainment except to allow access and egress.
  • A noise limiting device shall be fitted so that all regulated entertainment is channelled through the device(s). The maximum noise levels will be determined by and set to the satisfaction of the London Borough of Bromley’s Environmental Health Service and will be reviewed from time to time as appropriate. The limiter shall not be altered without prior agreement with the Environmental Health Service. No alteration or modification to any existing sound system(s) should be undertaken without prior knowledge of the Environmental Health Service. No additional sound generating equipment shall be used on the premises without being routed through the noise limiter device.
  • Clear signage to be displayed for patrons using transport including taxis.
Update – 2 November 2017
The full licensing sub-committee report is available for the hearing on the licensing application by Shortlands Golf Club at Meadow Road, Bromley BR2 0DX, ref. No. 17/00634/LAPRE, to increase their hours of operation from 23:00 to 01:00. The recommendations are somewhat non-committal:

Members are asked to determine this application having taken into account the Councils [sic] Statement of Licensing Policy 2016 to 2021, written and oral representations by the applicant and objectors. Members can:
    1. Grant the application
    2. Grant the application but impose restrictions and conditions
    3. Refuse the application
Update – 19 October 2017
Objections have been received to the licensing application by Shortlands Golf Club at Meadow Road, Bromley BR2 0DX, ref. No. 17/00634/LAPRE, to increase their hours of operation from 23:00 to 01:00. A hearing of the licensing sub-committee has been arranged for Tuesday 14 November 2017 at 10:00 a.m. at the London Borough of Bromley, Civic Centre, Committee Rooms, Stockwell Close, Bromley BR1 3UH.

The full licensing sub-committee report for this hearing will be available on-line at least ten working days before the hearing date. For now, a verbose and somewhat inaccurate notice of a hearing is available.  

Shortlands Golf Club licensing application – 11 October 2017

Shortlands Golf Club at 
Meadow Road, Bromley BR2 0DX have made a licensing application, ref. No. 17/00634/LAPRE, to increase their hours of operation from 23:00 to 01:00. Please see below our submitted objection to this.

Commenter Type
Residents Association

Customer objects to the Licensing Application

Reasons for comment
  • Noise Disturbance 
  • Opening Hours 
  • Public Nuisance 
  • Public Safety 
  • Traffic 
The Ravensbourne Valley Preservation Society (RVPS) objects to this extension of licensing hours on behalf of local residents in Ravensbourne Avenue and Meadow Road. There has been insufficient notice for consultation considering that residents were not aware of the notice until 7 October.

Shortlands Golf Club is located in a pleasant and quiet residential area, with no similar places of entertainment in the vicinity. The application is very scant in relation to details provided in Sections 10, 11, 12 and 13 for the types of events or activities planned which needs to be clarified. There is also very little detail in what steps the applicant will take to promote the licensing objectives, especially on steps for public safety and prevention of public nuisance.

There has already been a significant impact on neighbours within Ravensbourne Avenue with an increase in the number of private parties held at the golf club with a corresponding increased level in the volume of music through open windows. We are concerned that the application will give rise to:

(i) an increase in the volume of noise affecting neighbours;
(ii) guests will have longer time to drink alcohol leading to increased levels of anti-social behaviour;
(iii) significant increases in traffic movements of cars and taxis accessing and leaving the site which will all occur well into the early hours of the morning in a quiet residential street.

Each of these factors will have a negative impact on the quality of life of the local residents and will impact to the detriment of the local area.

We believe that the application should be rejected. If further consideration is to be given than strong controls should be in place to minimise the impact to residents.