Romany Ridge and 15 Hillbrow Road

13th October 2023

The proposal for Romany Ridge has been refused for the following reasons which we consider very good news:

1) The proposed development, by reason of its design, siting and lack of space retained about the building and hardsurfacing, would result in a detrimental impact on the visual amenities of the street scene and the area in general, representing a visually intrusive and overdominant development of the site, out of character and contrary to Policies 4, 8 and 37 of the Bromley
Local Plan and Policy D3 of the London Plan.

2) The proposed development, by reason of its height and siting of development in close proximity to the boundaries of neighbouring properties, along with the design and layout of the development including fenestration, and the intensity of the residential use of the site would have a detrimental impact on the residential amenities of neighbouring dwellings andresidential gardens, associated with overdominant visual impact, overshadowing and loss of outlook, and the development would fail to provide internal accommodation of a high quality for prospective occupants of the ground floor flat 1, thereby contrary to Policies D3 and D6 of the London Plan and Policies 4 and 37 of the Bromley Local Plan.

The Decision letter can be found here, and the full report here.

15th April 2023

As signposted below, we have now submitted our objection - read it here.

27 March 2023

This new application 23/000999 (link here) is for a block of 6 flats and is smaller than the previous rejected scheme of 9 flats.

We will be posting our comments shortly. Objections need to be made by 13th April.

The pictures (picture 1, picture 2, picture 3) show the difference between reality and the artist’s wonderful fantasy!

9 October 2022

Application refused - absolutely crushed: Report and Decision.

8 August 2022

Our objection is here

3 August 2022

Horrible application to demolish these two properties and replace with massive and inappropriate block of flats. We will post our objection here shortly. Planning application documents here. Objections must be made by 18th August.