87 Beckenham lane, Bromley
15 November 2024 Update
It is pleasing to see that building work to repair the damaged windows and replace the external shutters with internal ones seems to have begun. This should deal with the concerns raised in an earlier Enforcement case.
23/01670/FULL1 | New Shopfront. | 87 Beckenham Lane Bromley BR2 0DN
Following unauthorised damage to the shopfront at the locally listed 87 Beckenham Lane and subsequent enforcement action, an application to make good the damage has been submitted. We have commented as follows:
Broadly we support this proposal but have a number of questions and suggestions.
First, it is unclear whether there are to be 3 doors or 1 door in the front elevation. The drawing suggests 1 door but how then is the upper storey to be accessed?
There is no detail provided regarding the appearance of the new door(s). Door(s) should be designed to complement the proposed windows.
Materials and colour scheme should be controlled by condition.
No details of the security shutter have been provided which, although internal will be highly visible. If it is considered acceptable to install a shutter, then a subdued colour would be appropriate and should be controlled by condition.
The image below shows the shopfront before the damage and erection of the hoarding.