Update – 1 March 2020
The planning application, ref. No. 19/05244/FULL1for the demolition of the detached garage and erection of a three-storey side extension and subdivision of the plot to form new 3-bedroom family dwelling with associated parking at 17 Ullswater Close Bromley BR1 4JF, has been refused.

The delegated report and decision notice are available. The proposal would involve the removal of an attractive mature protected oak tree; thereby significantly diminishing the public visual amenity of the local area contrary to Policies 73 and 74 of the Bromley Local Plan 2019. There is insufficient other reasoning to justify the loss of the tree.

Update – 15 January 2020
A planning application, ref. No. 19/05244/FULL1, has been submitted for the demolition of the detached garage and erection of a three-storey side extension and subdivision of the plot to form a new 3-bedroom family dwelling with associated parking at 17 Ullswater Close, Bromley BR1 4JF. The following documents are available:
  • Existing & Proposed Floor Plans
  • Proposed Floor Plan
  • Acknowledgement Letter
  • Design & Access Statement
  • Flood Risk Assessment
  • Existing & Proposed Block Plans
  • Existing [sic]
  • Existing and Proposed Rear/Front Elevations
  • Existing and Proposed Side Elevations
  • Proposed Street Scene Elevations
  • Proposed Floor Plan
  • Proposed Landscape Plan
  • Site Location Plan
  • Tree Protection Plan
  • Tree Constraints Plan
  • Application Form
  • Accessible Homes Statement
  • Supporting Statement
  • AIA & AMS
See the supporting statement. Following the planning decision received for application DC/19/02643/FULL1, the applicants have taken on board the comments made in decision letter and delegated report. The revised application purports to reflects the comments made by the case officer. In summary, they state:

As discussed above the revised development looks to be acceptable by the council and the existing trees seem to be what is stopping the development being granted. The new tree report produce by Bartlett Consulting brings new light to the conditions of the existing trees and the effect they are having on the existing property. With the shortage of family dwellings, we do believe self-build single family dwellings also play a major part in meeting housing councils housing supply targets. Please also refer to appendix.

The standard consultation expiry date is Wednesday 29 January 2020.

Update – 15 October 2019
The delegation report and decision are now available on the planning application, ref. No. 19/02643/FULL1, for the demolition of a detached garage, erection of a three-storey side extension and subdivision of the plot to form a new three-bedroom family dwelling with associated parking at 17 Ullswater Close, Bromley BR1 4JF.
The main issues considered in respect of this application were:
  • Principle and location of development
  • Design and landscaping
  • Standard of residential accommodation and neighbouring amenity
  • Highways
  • Sustainability
The application was refused for the following reasons:
  1. The proposal would involve further incursion in to the Root Protection Area (RPA) of protected trees; likely to harm their wellbeing, and would require the continual future pruning of protected trees; thereby diminishing their public visual amenity value and environmental importance contrary to Policies 73 and 74 of the Bromley Local Plan 2019.

  2. The proposed development would provide insufficient on-site parking leading to additional on-street parking which would be harmful to the amenities of the future residents and prejudicial to highway safety the free flow of traffic along the public highway and contrary to Policies 30 and 32 of the Bromley Local Plan 2019.
Update – 13 October 2019
The planning application, ref. No. 19/02643/FULL1, for the demolition of a detached garage, erection of a three-storey side extension and subdivision of the plot to form a new three-bedroom family dwelling with associated parking at 17 Ullswater Close, Bromley BR1 4JF has been refused. The description of the application was amended from:

New building 3 bed family dwelling

to read:

Demolition of detached garage. Erection of three storey side extension and subdivision of plot to form new 3 bedroom family dwelling with associated parking.

17 Ullswater Close – 31 July 2019

 street scene elevation

A planning application, ref. No. 19/02643/FULL1, has been submitted for the construction of a new-build family dwelling situated on an infill site that currently forms part of the garden to No. 17 Ullswater Close. The new development would become 17a Ullswater Close. The development proposed will create a new three-bed property, with private rear garden and off-street parking. A design and access statement has been compiled to support this application.

The site currently houses a single-storey garage, which is associated with No. 17 Ullswater Close. A planning application, ref. No. 19/02119/PLUD, has also been submitted to convert the garage at 17 Ullswater Close into a habitable room, and construct a front porch and single storey rear extension. A lawful development certificate was issued for this on 19 June 2019.

The standard consultation expiry date is Tuesday 20 August 2019.